Work Life Balance for Speech Pathologists: Mindful Time Management Tips for Therapists, Clinicians, & Private Practice Owners

80. Maximize Your Productivity with These Resources!

Theresa Harp

**Join the SLP Support Group on Facebook for access to all the events and resources mentioned in today's episode!**

Want to learn how to use ChatGPT to increase your productivity at home and at work? Let's go!!

In today’s episode, I’m excited to share what’s coming up for speech pathologists in early 2025. I've got four incredible resources designed to support your productivity and work-life balance:

  1. Free Body Doubling Sessions – Partner up and boost your productivity together.
  2. Weekly Facebook Lives – Join our live sessions for tips, Q&A, and community support.
  3. Free Group Coaching – Connect with peers and receive guidance tailored to your needs.
  4. Upcoming ChatGPT Masterclass – Learn how to leverage AI tools to enhance your practice.

Tune in to discover how you can access these opportunities through the SLP Support Group on Facebook. Wishing you a peaceful and productive New Year! I can’t wait to connect with you and support your journey in 2025.

To find out how I can help you improve your work-life balance, click here.

Come join the SLP Support Group on Facebook for more tips and tricks!

Follow me on Instagram! @theresamharp

Learn more about Theresa Harp Coaching here.

Hello, SLPs. Welcome to episode 80, the final episode of 2024. I cannot believe it. I actually, I think that this is, it's definitely going to be the last episode of the year and I think it will air on the very last day of the year, which is kind of cool if you're a nerd like me. So I'm excited for this episode.

I'm going to tell you all about the The things tell you everything you need to know in a couple of minutes, but before I jump in, I just wanted to [00:01:00] wish all of you a happy new year, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate. That is the time of year that this episode will air and it's the time of year that I'm recording this episode.

You might have found this episode at a random time, which is sad. Also great. So happy whatever you might be celebrating right now. But this is a fun one. This is a fun one for me because it is a nice overview of what is coming. In 2025, for you as the listener, for you as members of the SLP support group, as clients, current clients, former clients, potential clients, SLPs, PTs, OTs, all, all the things.

Right. This is an overview of everything that I'm going to be highlighting and hosting in the first month of the year, [00:02:00] actually, which is pretty wild because when you hear what I have lined up, you, it's a lot. So there is a lot. I've been mapping out my first quarter for S you know, for the SLP support group and for my.

coaching practice and my clients. And it's been really fun to kind of tap into all of those creative outlets and, uh, you know, really kind of brain dump all of the topics that I want to cover all of the topics that you have mentioned, either as podcast listeners or in the SLP support group topics that you've mentioned that you want to hear covered.

So it's just, um, very, very excited. I'm feeling really motivated. So I'm looking forward to next year, specifically, or especially January. And I wanted to make sure that you know about these resources [00:03:00] so that Um, you can take advantage of any or all of them because they're all available to you at no cost through the SLP support group on Facebook, which is a free Facebook group.

If you are not in the SLP support group on Facebook, then click the link in the show notes and join today because all of what I'm going to describe to you is. exclusively for members of the SLP support group. So make sure that you are a member so that you have access to all of these fun things and that you can easily get details and information, uh, you know, in addition to what I'm sharing here.

Okay. All right. So I've got one, two, three, four, four things that I'm going to highlight for you today. Okay. These are things that are. Scheduled for January of 2025. Alright, so the first thing that we [00:04:00] started in 2024 in the SLP support group and it gained interest over time. So much so that I decided to continue doing this for free during the first quarter of 2025.

And that is the free body doubling or co working sessions. that I host. And these are, these are run every Tuesday from 12 to 1 p. m. Eastern via Zoom. So I don't know what time zone you are in, but for me on the East Coast, 12 to 1 p. m., you can come at any point within that hour. It does not have to be You don't have to be on time.

You can come anytime that works for you. You can use these sessions as an opportunity to work on a task or a group of tasks that you need to get done. And [00:05:00] you really just want that added accountability to help you follow through. This is great for things like session notes or, uh, report writing, working on reports.

Or, you know, responding to emails or tidying up your office. You know, it could even be house related stuff. Does not have to be necessarily related to work. You can use it for anything, absolutely anything. And so what you do, if you've never done something like this before, body doubling, you. Click the link, uh, you know, to sign into Zoom, to join the meeting.

Like I said, at any time during that hour, you can choose to keep your camera on or camera off, but everyone remains on mute and everybody is working independently, simultaneously. So this is kind of like a study hall. Hi, I've been thinking about study hall recently because we've been doing these sessions actually.

So it's basically like a study [00:06:00] hall, but it's virtual. And what you do is drop in the chat whatever task or tasks you're going to be working on. You know, you just kind of give that there in writing. for accountability. Don't underestimate the power of that really simple but effective step. Just putting that in the chat and at the end of the hour we check in.

You kind of, you just let me know what you got done or you let the share with the group what you got done. What are you celebrating? What are your next steps? Um, and you can come at any point and leave at any point within that, that timeframe. Okay. This is a great, like I said, it's a great opportunity to get it.

you know, work done, but it's also a very effective and research based strategy for productivity, particularly for those who are neurodivergent. Definitely take advantage of that. In order to get access to those meetings, the Zoom links and details are always in the description. in the SLP support group on Facebook.

[00:07:00] So make sure that you click the link in the show notes and join the group and then you'll have access to all of that. All right. So that's the first thing that's Tuesdays, 12 to 1 PM Eastern on zoom body doubling sessions. And that begins on Tuesday, January 7th of 2025. The second thing that is available to you as a free resource, which will be.

I believe incredibly effective and helpful is weekly, a weekly Facebook live that I'll be hosting. You guessed it in the SLP support group every Wednesday beginning on January 8th at noon Eastern. And obviously, you can come live, you can, you know, view live or you can watch the replay of any of those Facebook lives in real time.

The SLP support group. And this is really a great opportunity to get, like I said before, a little bit more detailed support, more, you know, detailed support about [00:08:00] productivity and time management, um, access to resources, even just a deeper dive into topics that I cover here on the podcast. I sort of take that and go a little bit deeper, give you a little more, you know, step by step information in the Facebook group during those Facebook lives.

So it's just a nice way to get your hands on information that is very much like this, like what we cover here on the podcast, but maybe a little bit more nuanced. And In January, I don't have all of the topics lined up, you know, for February and on, but I do know that in January, the four Facebook Lives that are scheduled are about topics related to how to budget your time and how do you prioritize key tasks at home and key tasks and responsibility at work.

There's also [00:09:00] one that is dedicated to boundaries, setting boundaries and holding boundaries and how they impact your time and your management of your time. So that's what's on the books for January and that's just in the month of January. And spoiler alert, you can expect to hear the, those topics or related topics, similar topics to those ones that I just shared here on the podcast during the month of January.

So a lot of what I have outlined for the month of January that I'll be talking about on the podcast will then be, you know, explored deeper. In the Facebook group that week. So keep that in mind. And again, these are available in the SLP support group. Okay, so those are the Facebook lives. The third thing I've got two more for you.

The third thing that I'm going to be offering in. I've committed to doing this for the first quarter of [00:10:00] 2025. I'm not committing to anything beyond that, but this is what I am committing to for right now is free group coaching. So group productivity coaching, group time management coaching in the future.

On zoom, but for members of the SLP support group. So here's what you need to know. This is something that I actually did once or twice, very, very like just sporadically a couple of times in 2024. And then I just sort of. put it on the back burner, but I decided that I, I want to do this for January through March at the, at least for members of the SLP support group who want some Either want a kind of behind the scenes or like a look, look and see of what coaching is all about, like how it works, what it looks like.[00:11:00] 

So it's a great opportunity for that. But I also wanted to A way to give more individualized support, more, you know, customized support for clients or for, um, podcast listeners or for members of the SLP support group who are struggling with. any sort of time management challenge. And here's the thing. You might've heard me say something like this before, but when it comes to time management, everything we do takes time.

And so essentially there's very little that is off limits when it comes to a topic to get coached on. So, if that helps you at all, if that sort of helps give you some ideas of what you might want support with, you know, keep, keep that in mind. [00:12:00] But this is happening during, at least during January, the dates and times for January.

January, this is happening on Zoom on Thursdays at 8pm Eastern. I'm not sure if I said that yet or not. So Thursdays at 8pm Eastern and that is beginning on Thursday the 9th of January. So keep that on your radar because like I said it's a great way to sort of get a peek into what coaching looks like.

It's also a nice way to get some more independent or customized support with time management. Even just a great way for you to get a small opportunity to experience being coached yourself without. having to commit to anything in terms of, you know, working one on one on an ongoing timeline. So it's just a really nice opportunity.

And even if you never ask for coaching, even if you come with [00:13:00] zero intent to get coached, I want to offer that it is incredibly valuable to sit and just listen to what other What the coaching is for other people because I have experienced that in group in group coaching as you know on the receiving end of just sort of listening and observing.

There's always something that I leave there with that. It shifts, it shifts something or it's a new perspective or it gives me a new idea. It gives me a little bit of encouragement, lots of different things, but I always leave a group coaching session differently than I arrive at it. And that is really what you should do too.

That is really what coaching should do for you, whether you're getting coached or you're watching somebody be coached. So that's there. The link to join the SLP support group where you can get access to the free group coaching [00:14:00] on zoom. Like I've said before, the link is in the show notes for the group.

And I just want to say one last thing, and I'm going to move on to the fourth and final thing that I'm so excited about. One thing is that. I don't know how long I'll be doing this. I told you I've committed to doing it for the first quarter, so I will, I will at least do it through the month of March. I don't know that it's going to be the same day and time for those three months.

I might shift it around a little bit, but I don't know if I'm going to be offering that past March. So if this is something that's been on your radar, if this is something that you're curious about, now would be the time. A the best time now would be the best time to take advantage of this while you can and I'm not saying that to you know try and give you Put you into like I don't know [00:15:00] overwhelm or anxiety and and scarcity mindset and think like oh my gosh, I have to do this She's pushing me into it.

No, no, it's not at all I just want to be up front with that so that you know that it might not be A long term thing so keep that in mind. Okay Last but not least, this is the one that I've been the most excited to share. And I think you will be too, I think. So last but not least, at the end of January, January 30th at 7 p.

m. Eastern, to be exact, I'm going to be hosting a free webinar all about how to use chat GPT to increase your productivity at work. And at home. And this is one that I've been looking forward to for months. No joke months. I've had this one. Um, on the back burner, we were going to do [00:16:00] this topic in November and with, you know, the holidays and craziness, I decided to push it.

I polled the members of the SLP support group and asked, you know, what would you rather do? Would you rather wait until it's January and schedules are a little bit tight? more sane, or do you want this now? And the majority of people said that they would rather wait. So I have been waiting very patiently, or not, for this webinar.

I love, love, love, love, love, love this topic. I love the topic of AI and chat GBT in particular, because only because that's what I'm most familiar with, in terms of different AI Programs and platforms, but so this one is going, this webinar is going to focus specifically on ChatGPT, which as of now is free there, you know, there's free and paid versions, but you don't have to have a paid [00:17:00] ChatGPT, you know, subscription in order to benefit from this, you, I, I promise you, if you come to this webinar, you will leave Dare I say mind blown?

Dare I say it? I think I will say it. I think I will be bold. It truly is mind blowing what chat GPT can do and what AI in general can do in terms of speed, efficiency, and productivity. And I have so many thoughts that I could say about this, but I'm going to try and keep tunnel vision and stay on topic for you.

Otherwise this is, this episode is going to be forever. So this webinar. Masterclass workshop. I don't know. Call it whatever you want is scheduled for January 30th at 7 p. m. Eastern. It is happening on zoom. You do have to register for this and. You can do that through, you guessed it, the SLP support group.

So [00:18:00] get in the SLP support group and you will see this event blasted throughout the next, you know, throughout the coming weeks. It's there in the group with a signup sheet, like all of that, everything is in there, but I will also, for those of you who are, you know, super anxious or super social media averse, I will stick the registration link for this masterclass on chat GPT in the show notes of this episode.

So you can register that way, but you'll only be able to get that masterclass through that link. You won't be able to get the body doubling or the Facebook lives or the group coaching access unless you're in the SLP support group. Okay. Um, this. webinar will be recorded and a replay will be available at least for a short term, but I really, really, really encourage you to come live if at all possible.

Lots of reasons why, but the biggest [00:19:00] one, in my opinion, as somebody who struggles with productivity in certain ways and is often, you know, struggling with a neurodivergent brain, I know. that for me and probably for many of you who are listening, if you do not come live and you just get the recording, the majority of us, the majority of you will not watch the recording.

And this is an investment of an hour. There's no cost for this. It's an hour investment of your time, but it will save you so much time on the back end. So there is no good reason not to come and not to come live. Well, there's a few good reasons, but you get my drift. So make sure you either register via the link below or you get in the SLP support group and you can register there as [00:20:00] well.

Okay. But basically just to kind of recap this one for you, That masterclass will be about how to use ChatGPT to increase productivity at work and at home. Whether you have never used ChatGPT before or you consider yourself someone who uses it regularly and, and pretty consistently and you feel very comfortable with it, I really do think it's going to hit something for all of you, this webinar.

So I would encourage you to come. regardless of what level of, of information you're coming with. I also think it's a really great way for us to learn from each other because I'm certainly not a chat GPT expert. I don't think anybody is at this point, although certain there may be, but I think we can learn from each other.

I think there's great value in that. So please come join, share what you know, um, engage with one another. Okay. And. In the meantime, if you're trying to sort of get your feet [00:21:00] wet with chat GBT, or you just sort of want to get some ideas of how you can use it now, check out episode six of the podcast, because that's a great podcast.

An oldie, but a goodie. It's a good intro to the topic and it gives you some tangible ideas of ways that you can start using this now. So that's a great one to, uh, to take a listen to. It is the most downloaded episode. It is outdated. At this point, it, it's been so long that there's definitely things in there that are pro oh, I shouldn't say de There are probably things in there that are a little bit outdated, but the way that you can use it, the things that you can use it for, I talk about that in that episode, and that still remains.

So, check that out, okay? Alright, that was a lot. That was a lot. Really quickly, I'll give you the, the rundown. See if I can do this in under 60 seconds. So, Join the SLP support group so that you get access [00:22:00] to free body doubling sessions on Zoom, which happen every Tuesday from 12 to 1 p. m. Eastern. Access to Facebook Lives that cover a whole range of topics.

Those happen every Tuesday. On Wednesdays at 12 Eastern, but of course you can catch the replay at any time. Free group coaching for time management, productivity, and work life balance. That is happening from January through March. And that happens on zoom on Thursdays at 8 PM. Eastern, and that will be starting up January 9th, that we will not have a session the first week of January.

So January 9th for the free group coaching. Join the SOP support group so you can get access to that zoom link. And then last but not least the chat GPT masterclass webinar, workshop, whatever you want to call it. January [00:23:00] 30th at 7 PM Eastern. That is free. You do need to register. You can register. Using the link below or in the SLP support group.

Okay. I don't know if I did it in under a minute, but there we go. That is it for today's episode, the final episode of the year. I'm so excited for all these, these things. I cannot wait to connect with you all in the future. The SOP support group and on any of those resources and events that are happening in the weeks to come.

All right. I hope you have an amazing new year. If you're listening to this live and I will talk with you all in 2025.